
2022 Pricing Starts March 1st


- Handmade with old fashioned craftsmanship -


Heart & Spade Forge Store

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No. 10 Skillet : Ready to Ship

No. 10 Skillet : Ready to Ship


The classic workhorse of the best kitchens. Not to big nor to small, the No.10 skillet is the “Goldilocks” size, making it the most popular piece in my portfolio.

The addition of the helper handle makes this a very manageable piece from the range top to the oven or even a campfire in the mountains. Small enough to cook for one, or large enough to feed up to three (depending on the intensity of everyone’s hunger) the No.10 will undoubtedly see daily use!

A word of warning! If you are starting your venture into carbon steel cookware with this piece, it may be wise to create some additional room in the cupboard for future commissions. Once you cook on your own bespoke skillet, it illustrates the obsolescence of all other cookware.

These skillets are faster to season than cast iron and a pleasure to use at nearly half the weight. Forged carbon steel is more conductive than cast iron, allowing great temperature control during cooking and the handle's geometry and tedious hand filed surface gives a sweet feel in the hand while not compromising the control when held with a towel or oven mitt.

Ready to ship items will hit the road within 1 week.

Measurements, 10-1/4” from rim to rim and 8” cooking surface. 1 3/4 inches tall. Weight: ~5 lb. 10 oz. Thickness: 0.135”

Due to the nature of handmade techniques, every skillet varies in exact dimensions.

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